Shopee Games, Books & Hobbies DVDs, Blueray & CDs Others Blu-ray Movie Demolition Man (Import 25GB) (1993) Share: 0. After Titanic, they will do whatever he says, so we can now expect some great Cameron films to look forward to, rather than having to wait for the REAL movie to come out years later on a Special Edition DVD. Blouse Women Dress Kipas Mini Kasut Perempuan ZANZEA Powerbank T Shirt Handbag Women. At the time, despite a few solid hits (such as the original Terminator), James Cameron wasn't enough of a power in La-La land to force the studios to release the movie as he wanted it to be. God forbid that anyone actually may have to think a little. Well, what did you expect? Hollywood executives make movies for the common herd, they dumb them down to make sure every patron goes away feeling happy. As opposed to the canned studio ending, the REAL one makes you think. See the REAL ending to understand why it is so important to this film. The '' WATERMARK wil only be shown in the low-resolution preview and not in the high-resolution download Download the high-resolution files here: Demolition Man v1.rar (2. It betrays the message of the film, and makes it nothing more than a good underwater shoot-em-up. The ending the studios insisted on is your typical boring old done-a-million-times happy ending, and does not work.

The morons from the studio in Hollywood decided that the public wouldn't want to see a nearly 3-hour underwater adventure, and forced James Cameron to cut it down and change the ending. It includes the real ending, along with more than 20 minutes of additional footage. Make sure you get the original director's cut, or Special Edition as they are calling it on the DVD. Details Released: 5th September 2011 Category: Science Fiction Studio: Warner Bros.